Help us grow our unified voice in improving public policy for people with disabilities
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Share your Stories. We want to hear from you. Share so that other siblings know they are not alone.
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Our vision is for siblings of people with disabilities to form connections, share lived experiences, access information, utilize resources, and advocate collectively.
"We will be featuring a new Sibling Every Quarter! We are looking for YOUR story and/or viewpoint. Please consider contacting us and sharing your story or perspective with us!
On Saturday, September 23rd, 2017, siblings of children with disabilities will have the chance to have a day that’s all about them. The Virginia Institute of Autism is teaming up with Charlottesville Parks & Recreation to host a one-day Sibling Support Program. Our goal is to provide siblings with opportunities for peer support within a lively, recreational context that emphasizes a kids’-eye-view. We’ll intersperse information and discussion activities with new games (designed to be unique, off-beat, and appealing to a wide ability range), and special guest panel. Lunch provided.
Who: Siblings (ages 8-14) of children with disabilities
Where: Carver Recreation Center
When: Saturday September 23, 2017 9am-1pm
Register: Contact Sarah Blech 434-970-3264
By uniting, we can support each other and be stronger together.
The self-advocacy movement serves as a model for us to learn how we can get involved in advocacy with our brothers and sisters.
Connections through VA SIBS can provide a unique perspective for families on how to support and involve all of their children/family members.
Many professionals provide important support to siblings and partner with them throughout their lives.
Anyone who is a friend or colleague to siblings and their families is welcome.
Siblings have the longest bond and a unique perspective.
We are the Virginia Chapter of the National Sibling Leadership Network (NSLN). By joining you become connected to siblings and sibling supporters statewide, and will receive updates from the NSLN. The more members we have, the greater impact we will have.
All members receive information and updates about our activities as well as initiatives, policy decisions and sibling related events that are important to brothers and sisters. Keep up to date on conferences and events, initiatives, policy decisions, and much more.